
47 64 23 71 38 64 55

41 59 48 71 35 57 40

58 44 80 55 37 74 51

57 50 60 45 57 50 45

25 59 50 71 56 74 50

58 45 54 36 54 48 55

45 57 50 62 44 64 43

52 38 59 55 41 53 49

34 35 54 45 68 38 50

60 39 59 40 57 54 23

MTB > TSPlot 'Chemical'




MTB > %acf c3



MTB > %pacf c3






MTB > arima 1 0 1 c3;

SUBC> fore 5 c100 c101 c102;

SUBC> gser;

SUBC> gacf;

SUBC> gpacf;

SUBC> ghist;

SUBC> gnormal.


ARIMA model for Chemical

Estimates at each iteration

Iteration SSE Parameters

0 9786.54 0.100 0.100 46.106

1 8600.90 -0.050 0.250 53.813

2 8409.39 -0.200 0.113 61.490

3 8226.30 -0.350 -0.028 69.165

4 8067.71 -0.500 -0.171 76.840

5 7961.23 -0.650 -0.309 84.524

6 7946.17 -0.692 -0.326 86.712

7 7946.06 -0.695 -0.327 86.887

8 7946.05 -0.696 -0.328 86.913

9 7946.05 -0.696 -0.328 86.915

Relative change in each estimate less than 0.0010

Final Estimates of Parameters

Type Coef StDev T

AR 1 -0.6958 0.1941 -3.58

MA 1 -0.3277 0.2580 -1.27

Constant 86.915 1.728 50.31

Mean 51.254 1.019

Number of observations: 70

Residuals: SS = 7928.17 (backforecasts excluded)

MS = 118.33 DF = 67

Modified Box-Pierce (Ljung-Box) Chi-Square statistic

Lag 12 24 36 48

Chi-Square 5.0(DF=10) 16.1(DF=22) 20.8(DF=34) 30.4(DF=46)

Forecasts from period 70

95 Percent Limits

Period Forecast Lower Upper Actual

71 61.5586 40.2334 82.8837

72 44.0837 21.3598 66.8076

73 56.2424 32.8714 79.6134

74 47.7826 24.1047 71.4606

75 53.6688 29.8437 77.4938















MTB > cdf 5;

SUBC> chis 12.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 12 DF

x P( X <= x)

5.0000 0.0420

MTB > cdf 16.1;

SUBC> chis 24.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 24 DF

x P( X <= x)

16.1000 0.1156

MTB > cdf 20.8;

SUBC> chis 36.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 36 DF

x P( X <= x)

20.8000 0.0201

MTB > arima 1 0 0 c3;

SUBC> fore 5 c100 c101 c102;

SUBC> gser;

SUBC> gacf;

SUBC> gpacf;

SUBC> ghist;

SUBC> gnormal.



ARIMA model for Chemical

Estimates at each iteration

Iteration SSE Parameters

0 10639.8 0.100 46.106

1 9427.3 -0.050 53.796

2 8618.4 -0.200 61.493

3 8213.1 -0.350 69.195

4 8161.9 -0.422 72.876

5 8161.7 -0.425 73.079

6 8161.7 -0.426 73.091

Relative change in each estimate less than 0.0010

Final Estimates of Parameters

Type Coef StDev T

AR 1 -0.4257 0.1156 -3.68

Constant 73.091 1.310 55.81

Mean 51.2673 0.9186

Number of observations: 70

Residuals: SS = 8159.01 (backforecasts excluded)

MS = 119.99 DF = 68

Modified Box-Pierce (Ljung-Box) Chi-Square statistic

Lag 12 24 36 48

Chi-Square 7.0(DF=11) 18.2(DF=23) 24.5(DF=35) 33.4(DF=47)

Forecasts from period 70

95 Percent Limits

Period Forecast Lower Upper Actual

71 63.3002 41.8264 84.7739

72 46.1452 22.8068 69.4835

73 53.4477 29.7872 77.1082

74 50.3392 26.6208 74.0576

75 51.6624 27.9335 75.3913















 MTB > cdf 7;

SUBC> chis 11.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 11 DF

x P( X <= x)

7.0000 0.2009

MTB > cdf 18.2;

SUBC> chis23.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 23 DF

x P( X <= x)

18.2000 0.2534

MTB > cdf 24.5;

SUBC> chis 35.

Cumulative Distribution Function

Chi-Square with 35 DF

x P( X <= x)

24.5000 0.0924